About Ark Pi Travels

After spending 10 years in the travel industry, the time has come to share my cruising passion and experience with my friends and family.

First time cruising for some can be uncertain, unsettling, or even intimidating. I would love to answer any questions you may have and share with you why I enjoy cruising so much.

My business model prioritizes in-person interaction, and I am happy to meet you anywhere, face to face, within the Greater Seattle area.

Book an appointment today.

Let the traveling travel agent come to you.

  • As an avid PC gamer, my alias has always been ArchPi (meaning Pi of the highest rank). For all my friends, the branding Ark Pi is an immediate association with me.

    Since I’m selling cruises, “Ark”, taking the meaning of a large water vessel, seems charmingly appropriate.

    My Chinese name means “building the ark”. While I’m not ambitious enough to pull an Evan Almighty, starting this company seems like a very fitting way to fulfill my destiny.